Friday 18 November 2016

Who is Periyachi Amman ?

Periyachi is considered a "kaval deivam" or guardian spirit. Other male kaval deivams like Muneeswaran and Madhurai Veeran are considered her guardians. Periyachi, along with Jada-Muneeswaran, an aspect of Muneeswaran, are said to come on earth as a jodi (pair) to ward off evil spirits and guard the earth.Periyachi is said to punish women who do and say things to hurt others, and also punishes men who exploit women, by trampling them under her feet. She is also regarded as a protector of children.
Her fierce appearance is said to ward off evil spirits.

During the third month of pregnancy - among the Tamil Hindu diaspora, the ceremony of Punsavana ("foetus protection") is performed, along with prayers to Periyachi to guard the mother and child against the evil eye. 

After that during the seventh month, the Simantonnyana("bangle ceremony") is performed along with prayers to the goddess to ease labour pains and protect the mother and child during delivery.

On the 30th day after childbirth, in a ceremony at home, a black sari, non-vegetarian dishes and auspicious things are offered to the goddess. Women pray to her to avoid misfortune to a newborn baby and mothers are expected to pray to the goddess after a safe child birth. 

Then, on the first temple visit after childbirth, the parents dedicate their one-month-old babies to the goddess, placing the baby in front of the goddess on the ground or at her feet. The child's head has to be shaved and covered by yellow cloth. Everyone, except siblings of the baby, back off acknowledging the goddess's protection of the baby in the womb and for the first few months of its life. Then the priest performs usual rites to worship Periyachi. 

Worshipping the goddess for 12 Sundays by couples is said to grant them progeny..

Tuesdays and Fridays are considered to be special auspicious days to worship Periyachi and Muneeswaran.

A festival called Periyachi Puja is held in the Tamil month of Aadi (Aati) to honour the goddess. She is also worshipped in the Tamil month Thai. As part of her worship, an padaiyal offering, consisting of meat of the sacrificed animal as well as vegetarian dishes are presented to her and then given to devotees as prasad. Eating this prasad is believed to bring good luck and good health. During the period of the festival Thimithi, scenes from epic Mahabharata are enacted by the devotees and drama troupes. A week before the fire walking, they perform prayers to Periyachi. The prayer session is held to request her blessings upon the devotees and that no unpleasant incidents should happen during the festival. Periyachi is also worshiped as a household or family deity by devotees. She is also said to possess some of her devotees.

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